Saturday, March 01, 2008


For all the courses. Cada grupo debe escoger un tema para ser expuesto por todos:
- Use support material
- Summarize your topic (resuma)
- Be creative (folletos, láminas, golosinas, power point, video, rol play, etc.)
- But first, you tienes que pinchar en los links de abajo. Carry on!

How to Make Real Friends (Aarón Alfonso)

Good Friends—Bad Friends The kind of friends you have is important. How can you select good friends?

Satisfying Our Hunger for Friendship Despite the challenges, there is much we can do to make and keep real friends.

How Can I Avoid Getting Involved With the Wrong People? How can you know whether someone is likely to be a wholesome associate?

Can Internet Dating Really Be Dangerous?

Young People and Drugs

Cigarettes--Do You Reject Them? A nation that helped introduce tobacco to the world is taking the lead in warning of its dangers.

Chat Rooms How Can I Avoid the Dangers? Learn how chat rooms are organized, the dangers they pose, and how their dangers can be avoided.

Internet Pornography--More Than Idle Chatter Extreme caution must be exercised when using a computer chat room.

Should I Get a Tattoo? Why are tattoos so appealing to many youths? What are some factors to consider?

What's Wrong With Binge Drinking? What is binge drinking? What are the dangers of alcohol abuse especially among the young?

Do I Need a Mobile Phone? This handy electronic gadget can have its drawbacks. How can the mobile phone be kept under control?

Why Am I Drawn to the Wrong People? Have you ever found yourself drawn to someone whom you knew to be a bad influence on you?

Cada grupo debe escoger un tema para ser trabajado por todos. Adolescense and related topics:

Adolescent Development


Growth and Development, Ages 13 to 17—What Parents Need to Know

Teen Pregnancy--Help and Protection for Young Ones Following the Bible's strict moral standards could spare millions of young girls the tragedy of teen pregnancy.

Ask Our Experts: Would-Be Model's Diet When does a restricted-calorie diet become a cause for concern? Our nutrition expert, David Swain, advises.

Ask Our Experts: Helping Teens To Be Responsible Preparing your child for the transition from helpless dependent to responsible adult is no easy task! Child psychologist Dr Pat Spungin, CEO of, suggests some ways of guiding teens smoothly into the adult world.

Ask Our Experts: Dangers Of Chatroom Friend What do you do when your teenager has met someone online and is planning to meet up with them for the first time? Parenting expert and child psychologist Dr Pat Spungin, CEO of, offers sound advice on how to warn your children about the dangers of internet chat rooms.

Social Isolation: When A Teen Has No Friends Isolation can be devastating for a teen and warrants attention. Peer group and friendships are vital at this age and a child who seems to have no friends can be acutely unhappy.

Never At Home: Teenage Party Animals 'You treat this place like a hotel!' Do you finally understand how your own parents felt when they shouted this at you?

Development 13-15 Yrs: Friends & Romance Many teens develop very close friendships within their own gender. Most also develop an intense interest in the opposite sex, although he may not be ready for relationships.

Development 13-15 Yrs: Changing Bodies Everybody's different... and every body is different. Some girls are reaching full physical maturity and some are only beginning the process. Some boys move into mid-puberty while others worry about their lack of development.

Development 15-17 Yrs:New Woman Girls are usually at physical maturity by this stage and have fully developed reproductive organs.

Development 15-17 Yrs: Physical Development Your teenager is rapidly turning into an adult, at least physically. Your relationship will be changing too, but remember to provide love and reassurance.

Development 15-17 Yrs: Social Life When your child was young, he placed you solidly in the middle of his world and turned to you continually for approval and support. Today his friends occupy that central spot.

Teens & Depression: Warning Signs If your teenager seems very low, should you be worried?

Teenager Expert: Son Won't Work For His Exams Can't work or won't work? How can you tell if your teenager is depressed or suffering from exam stress? Our expert, Chris Turner, offers advice on how to tell the difference.

"Conciencia Conservacionista del Ambiente, la Conservación y la Prevención de Enfermedades"

How Important Is Cleanliness?





The Nuclear Threat—FAR FROM OVER

The Rape of the Rain Forests

Gardening the Organic Way

Is Man Destroying His Own Food Supply?

NATURAL DISASTERS and the Human Factor



Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

hola profe soy una alunmna dal "do Cs y me gustaria que me explicara como debo hacer para colocar el text o parrafo en ingles que reaslizamos en clase porq realmente no tengo idea de como colocarlo ni en donde! porfa notifiquelo en su pagina saludos


Anonymous said...

hola profe soy una alunmna del 2do Cs y me gustaria que me explicara como debo hacer para colocar el text o parrafo en ingles que reaslizamos en clase porq realmente no tengo idea de como colocarlo ni en donde! porfa notifiquelo en su pagina saludos


Anonymous said...


My name is Maria A. and i have a very normal life, i like to go out with my friends to the movies and stuffs...

All morning i go to the school and every day is a new experience for me.

I want to study in law school because I want to protect every one that need it!.